How do we get the best out of our team?…


See what you need to increase the motivation of your team…

Motivational Maps


⭐ Creates greater awareness of each other's needs, enabling better teamwork.

⭐ Identifies specific issues, so you can focus resources where it matters most.

⭐ Enables leaders to recruit, reward, and make better business decisions.

Motivational Maps

The process

✅ We use Motivational Maps® to quickly diagnose what motivates each person in your team and their current levels of satisfaction.

✅ We arrange 1:1 appointments with the team to gather feedback and gain a deeper awareness of the current situation.

✅ We analyse team dynamics, highlight areas for attention and identify choices to make positive changes.

Motivational Maps

What if…

🚀 You knew how to improve the engagement of each member your team?

😎 You measured each person’s level of satisfaction and included that in their appraisals?

🎯 You had bespoke action plans for the team aligned with the needs of each individual, the team and the organisation.

Product details

  • Price:

    • <10 people = £400 per person

    • 10 - 20 people = £360 per person

    • >20 people = £340 per person

  • Includes:

    • Motivational Map diagnostic and debrief / coaching session per person.

    • Motivational Map Team Report.

    • Team Development Report, workshop, and documented output.

  • Conditions:

    • Coaching costs invoiced monthly.

    • Online coaching is preferred. In-person coaching will include travel costs.

Contact us so we can listen to your requirements.