Time Line Therapy™
Clear limiting beliefs which inhibit your personal or professional development.
The benefits of Time Line Therapy.
⭐ Enables you to resolve negative emotional issues from the past.
⭐ Uncovers how to break the patterns in your life that no longer serve you.
⭐ Clears limiting beliefs which inhibit your personal or professional development.
What is Time Line Therapy?
☑️ Time Line Therapy™ (TLT) is a powerful therapeutic process based on accessing your unconscious mind and the concept that we all have a unique arrangement of the past and future, which forms a line.
☑️ We all record, store and code memories in our own special way, and our past experiences determine who we are and how we act - even if those experiences are from before the age of 4.
☑️ In addition, our behaviour is guided by decisions that we’ve made in the past. Whether conscious or unconscious, these decisions affect our behaviour in the present. Our decisions are stored in the Time Line, and through Time Line Therapy we gain access to them!
How does Time Line Therapy work?
⚙️ The Time Line Therapy™ model for change was created by Tad James, Ph.D, having evolved from the most effective hypnosis and NLP techniques.
⚙️ Insights gained from Time Line Therapy have a far-reaching effect on your life, allowing you to gain new perspectives on issues that may have been plaguing you for decades. (See Gestalt Theory below).
⚙️ Time Line Therapy reveals the answers you need from your past to move forwards without the baggage of negative emotions such as Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt or Guilt.
Gestalt Theory
The picture below represents what is called a gestalt: A chain of events linked to a specific emotion (E.g. anger).
Negative Emotions
Imagine the gestalt as a string of pearls. The first pearl on the left represents the very first time you experienced anger. When we learn from an experience with negative emotion present, that negative emotion is linked to that experience and not released. The charge of negative emotion is retained and carried over to the next time you experience anger. Each time you experience anger, the charge of negative emotion becomes greater and has more influence over your behaviour. We sometimes find ourselves getting disproportionally angry over small things because the charge has built up over the years and the anger is reinforced by all the Significant Emotional Events that link back to the first event.
The negative emotion accumulates over time and it has two modes: dormant and active. A negative emotion may be dormant for 90% of the time although anything can trigger it, particularly if it resonates with a pain pattern from your past. E.g children sometimes get angry if they don’t get what they want. This simple pattern of getting angry when you don’t get what you want gets repeated into adulthood, however in adulthood, the anger is reinforced by the charge of accumulated anger from all previous emotional events which often results in a disproportionate level of anger 😡🤬💥. Even a thought or innocent remark from somebody can activate it.
Fortunately, Time Line Therapy allows us to notice the first event, observe it without negative emotion being present, and learn what we need to let go of the emotion easily and effortlessly. Gestalt theory states that when we release the charge of negative emotion from the first event, it disappears, having a knock-on effect to all subsequent events in that chain. Imagine a string of pearls having the first pearl removed and then all the other pearls sliding off because there is nothing to hold them in place.
This does not mean that you will never experience the negative emotion again – after all, we are only human! However, it will remove the charge that has built up over the years and give you the answers you need to respond better to negative emotions in future.
“Negative emotions that we experience, such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt or guilt, can seem like a heavy burden which we must endure. However, I assure you that negative emotions are insubstantial phantoms that can be dispelled by accepting and acting upon the insight from your own unconscious mind.”
Limiting Decisions
The foundation of who we are begins during the first 7 years of our lives, the Imprint Period. You may or may not have heard the expression “children are like sponges” because they absorb and accept the information around them. The next stage of development is between age 7 – 14, the Modelling Period. This is when children model those around them, especially those they look up to and admire. These years of our lives have proven to be extremely influential around the type of person we become.
Limiting Decisions are decisions that we make unconsciously, and often while we are in a negative emotional state. Limiting Decisions that we may make about ourselves at a young age can often stay with us for the rest of our lives. Imagine a 6-year old child sitting in a classroom and not understanding something the teacher just explained. The rest of the class understands it, but for whatever the reason, this child did not. The child feels upset and emotional, then unconsciously decides that he is not as clever as everyone else, and that he “can’t do it”. Unconscious decisions like this, driven by negative emotions, can happen in a variety of situations and can have a negative impact on us for years to come.
There is no fault or blame in decisions like this, only responsibility to learn from our past and change limiting beliefs in future. Since the negative emotions are what influenced us to make such Limiting Decisions, can you imagine the difference we can make when we use TimeLine Therapy to go back and learn from these experiences without the emotions?
What If…
🤔 What different choices would you make if in all your past memories, there was no fear?
🤔 How would you respond differently to events today if in all your past memories, there was no guilt?
🤔 What would happen if you let go of all your negative emotions from the past, and knew how to better handle negative emotions in future?
“Time Line Therapy® utilises a person’s own internal “Time Line” to work with their unconscious minds in a variety of ways; including healing emotional traumas and eradicating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Your “Time Line” is how you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. Behavioural change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People don’t change consciously. The Time Line Therapy® techniques allow you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change “inappropriate” programming in minutes rather than days, months or years.”
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